Please enjoy looking at all of out Thurston photos by clicking on the links below.
The children had an amazing time, it was wonderful to see how they grew in confidence!
Year 6 attended The Word today as part of their Physical Computing learning this half term.
They were able to demonstrate their coding abilities using Scratch and Microbits. the children used code to create their own games which included variables.
Everyone showed excellent engagement and were able to use their prior learning to develop their skills to code, troubleshoot and debug their projects.
We have some budding technical engineers, well done everyone!
Year 6 had a fantastic morning visiting South Shields Community Fire Station, where they learned all about different risks in our environment. The children completed workshops with Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue, Northern Powergrid, the RNLI, Nexus, discussed bike safety and how they can help our climate through active travel. Engagement from the children was outstanding and we know they will carry the important messages they learned with them when they are out and about in our community.
Today KS2 were extremely lucky to be entertained by the incredible Zak Music Official!
As well as sharing his brilliant music, Zak also talked to the children about mental health, online safety and bullying. Zak is a 14 year old pop sensation and he has certainly gained a number of new fans today!
Thank you Zak for sharing such important messages and inspiring us to persue our talents.
YEWDALE – Miss Sparks
Thank you so much to our adults who came to join us for our Reading Café today. It was lovely to share activities that you can do at home and spend time together reading!
We can’t wait for the next one already!
This week, the KAPLA project has given us the opportunity to develop our STEM skills.
Logical thinking – develops spatial awareness and enhances awareness of shape, volume and sense of balance whilst developing manual dexterity.
Stimulating creativity – enhances creative thinking and children to express their artisitic talents.
Concentration, patience and perseverance.
Teamwork – communication and cooperation.
We also demonstarted all of our school values- showing RESPECT to others, taking RESPONSIBILITY, demonstrating ENGAGEMENT and showing amazing RESILIENCE when the project became tricky.
We would like to thank Kapla for an amazing two day project and a massive thank you to all of our volunteer helpers who were invaluable!
Today the children showed great citizenship, they wanted to help members of our community this winter so they teamed togther with local charity, Hebburn Helps.
The children collected donations of warm blankets and hot water bottles in school, the student council then delivered them to Hebburn Helps who will distribute them to families in need.
Classes from Valley View, attended the Remembrance Day Ceremony at Monkton Cenotaph.
Members of the student council presented a wreath, on behalf of the school and displayed some art work, that the chilkdren had produced to show their respect.