John Watson (Coopted Governor) Chair of the Mosaic Governing Board

I have lived in the local area all my life and have had the privilege of involvement as a Governor in both schools following the formation of the Mosaic Federation. I have 15 years experience at Valley View Primary School and have served the school as Chair from 2004 onwards. I’m currently also Chair of the Mosaic Federation.

In my “day job”, I have worked in the construction industry for nearly 30 years in a variety of roles and have served as a director of private companies for many years. My professional experience extends to project and financial management; monitoring contracts; procurement; personnel and HR; risk management; health and safety governance and stewardship; compliance and quality assurance

I am academically qualified to Hons degree level and professionally qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building, a Member of the Institute of Directors, Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management, Associate of the Association of Project Managers and a Licentiate of the City & Guilds of London Institute

Outside of my ‘day job’ I hold positions as a School Governor and Charity Trustee. I have over 20 years’ experience as a Governor at the most senior level in the primary, secondary and FE sectors. This includes very different primary schools at Luke’s Lane and Valley View; 9 years at Jarrow School and 8 years at South Tyneside College. I have served as Chair of Governors in all of these institutions. During these tenures, I have contributed as Chair to no fewer than 8 Ofsted inspections, each demanding a unique level of input. In 2014 I was designated as a National Leader of Governance and have completed the National College for Teaching & Leadership’s Chair of Governors Leadership Development Programme.

I have always sought to contribute to schools who have high ambitions even if there is a long road to travel. I am dedicated to ensuring every pupil can always access outstanding provision in every possible way. I view the primary role of Chair to bring out the best from all Governors, Head Teachers, Staff and Parents of a School. Everybody must play their part ………..

Mike Hamilton Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair Hedworthfield

I have worked in the education sector for over thirty years with experience in classroom practice and more recently as an education advisor. I work integrally with school improvement partners and currently have the role of Strategic ICT Manager for the South Tyneside ICT in Schools team.

I have had experience of procurement, as well as financial and project management and have served as a director of a public company for over 8 years. For a number of years I have been a school governor in a variety of settings and currently am Chair of Governors at another local school.


Barry Larvin Co-opted Governor Vice Chair Valley View- Safeguarding Governor

I work in IT helping people to buy and use technology as effectively as they can.  I’ve worked in the public and private sectors for the past 20 years.  My son attended the nursery at Primrose 

from a very young age and followed the path into Valley View and back out again at the end of year six.  I’ve been involved with the governing body of Valley View for since 2011 years, initially as a parent governor.  I’m now Vice Chair of the Federation with particular responsibility for Valley View. 

 My partner is a teacher which gives me the opportunity to see education from both sides of the fence.  I was privileged to see my son blossom throughout his time at Valley View and am keen to do all I can to help the Federation continue to offer the same outstanding provision to all of our children.

 In my spare time I’m a rugby fan and a Newcastle Falcons season ticket holder and I coach youth rugby at Gateshead RFC. I’ve not admitted to myself that I’ve retired from playing yet.


Gemma Jeynes Executive Head Teacher Mosaic Federation

As Executive Head Teacher of Mosaic Federation, I am a member of the Governing Board and standards and resources committees for both schools within the federation. It has been a privilege and an honour to have worked in education for over 22 years in a number of roles both in the special educational needs and mainstream settings. I have a BA hons in Primary Education and have completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship. I have been the Head Teacher of Valley View Primary since 2010 and, following a successful period of working in both Valley View and Hedworthfield Primary Schools in 2015, we federated in 2017 to become sister schools within Mosaic Federation.

As an education practitioner, I have a passion for inclusive education which ensures all children have the support and opportunities to reach their full potential. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to work with an inspirational and dedicated team of people and to work with the most wonderful children and their families. I strongly believe in the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and value the opportunity I am given to be part of the community who raises our talented and outstanding Nursery Children to be exceptional young people who leave us in Year 6 ready for the next phase of their journey.

Outside of school, I am married and a mummy to two primary aged children who keep me very busy. I love to read, horse ride (if falling off is classed as riding!) and spending time with family and friends.

As a mum, I strive to be the best mum I can be for my children and only want the very best for them so they are happy, loved, cared for, supported and challenged. I apply these same aspirations to each and every child in my care as the Executive Head Teacher of Mosaic Federation.  


Cathryn Henderson Staff Governor

I am proud to be the Staff Governor for the Mosaic Federation. 

I have worked for the Local Authority since 2011, initially in Business Support then more recently as a Governor Support Officer, a role that gave me a vast knowledge of school governance. I left in 2018 to join the Mosaic Federation of Primary schools as Operations Coordinator.

I am passionate about learning and dedicated to supporting schools to ensure that our children are happy and that they receive the very best education.



Rebecca Grey Parent Governor

As a parent with one child in Hedworthfield, and another who attended both Valley View and Hedworthfield, and has now gone off to Jarrow School, I am proud to be a parent governor for a federation of schools that have done so much to support my children.

In my work life I support voluntary and community groups to access funding, with a focus on supporting organisations that provide opportunities for youth social action, youth voice, and youth empowerment. I hope to use my professional knowledge and experience to support the school and its pupils, and also use my experiences as a governor to inform the decisions I make at work.


Natasha Rowell Coopted Governor

  I have been a governor for seven years first at Hedworthfield Primary and currently for Mosaic Federation since Hedworthfield and Valley View Primary federated in 2017.

I also attended Hedworthfield Primary when I was a child and have lived in the community for most of my life. I am a mum of two children one of which attends Hedworthfield and one who has started his next journey in secondary school. I currently work in Early Years both in mainstream and with children who have additonal needs, where I enjoy giving children the very best start to their journey in education. I am very proud to be part of this governing board. I see the passion and commitment from staff to provide an inclusive education for children in our schools. Outside of school my favourite thing is to have fun with my children.



John Drynan Local Authority Governor


My name is John Drynan. I am a governor for the Mosaic Federation. I was born in 1949 in Jarrow and have lived here all of my life. I went to school at St Bede’s and then Jarrow Central and worked in the Dry Docks and then Swan Hunters. I would say to all children do your best and you could achieve great things. I have no fear of making hard decisions as long as I believe them to be right.



Jen Robson, Coopted Governor

I’m Jen Robson, proud Mam to Tom and I’m thrilled to have been co-opted as a governor for the Mosaic Foundation. As head of communications at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership my work is to lead on the communications around the North East’s economic plan as we work towards a productive, inclusive and sustainable regional economy. Part of my job is to support our skills team on the work they do on the North East Ambition careers programme – ensuring each and every young person from primary to further education has access to excellent careers education – so they can understand the careers available to them and reach their full potential. I’m incredibly passionate about ensuring there are opportunities for all in learning and future careers so no child gets left behind.


Lesley Johnston, Parent Governor

 I’m the parent of a child in Valley View and proud to be able to hold a parental viewpoint supporting to drive the strategic development of the mosaic federation.

As a UK Sales Manager I work full time in a strategic/analytic position and hope my 20+ years skills and experience will support in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children.

Outside of work we enjoy family time which now includes lots of extra walks due to recent addition of a new puppy.


Helen Wantzing, Parent Governor

I have two children who have just begun their education journey in Valley View, therefore I am excited to be involved in decisions that will ultimately help shape their and their classmates’ futures. 

I have an active interest in the school, it’s focus toward the future, and what plans are in place to continue as an ‘outstanding’ education provider. 

I currently work in Higher Education in a role closely linked to strategic planning and partnerships and would love to be able to share some insight into what options are available for children from primary school and beyond.


Michael Urwin, Parent Governor


I have lived in Jarrow all my life and I believe it is a special place with a great history and bright future. My deep rooted connection to the area fuels my passion and commitment to its growth. 

I have taught in an all-through academy, which serves children aged 5 to 16, for over 10 years. In my current role I work closely with students, families and teaching staff to remove barriers to learning, enabling students to make progress academically, develop as young people and prepare themselves for the next steps in their journey.

I am excited to be able to contribute to ensure that children in my local area, including my own children, have the best possible educational provision available to them.