The PE and Sports Premium is funded by the Department for Education, with the purpose of enabling schools to have funding. This can be spent on the PE and sports department to increase physical education, active lifestyles and sports for all primary school pupils.
We have used the sport premium to have sports activities in breakfast club, reduce the cost and provide free sports coaching after school, ensure pupils have resources and equipment to engage in active lifestyles.
This Year we are focusing our funding towards developing active playtimes for children through Opal Play. The Opal play vision is that every child in every school has an amazing hour of high-quality play every day – with no exceptions. If one child is not enjoying playtimes, then things still need improving. This is a vision we share in for our playtimes. To find out more about Opal Play click here
Our full sport premium plan and review for 23-24 can be found below.