Year 1 have been working really hard on their Autumn topic, look at the beautiful work that they have produced and showcased to their grown ups at Harvest Festival. Well done everyone!
Year 1 have been working really hard on their Autumn topic, look at the beautiful work that they have produced and showcased to their grown ups at Harvest Festival. Well done everyone!
Year 1 had an amazing time visiting Sunderland museum as part of our history topic. We participated in a ‘toys from the past’ workshop. We had lots of fun exploring and playing with old/new toys. We discussed why we thought some toys were old and how they were different from modern toys. We discussed the types of materials used and how new toys are often made of plastic where old toys were usually wood, metal or porcelain.
Eco Warriors have launched their first project!
They delivered compost bins to every classroom so we can capture waste from our fruit snacks.
Eco Warriors will empty the bins into our compost bin then add some worms so we can make our own compost for planting and growing our own crops!
We are Waste Eco-Warriors!
Thank you so much to our amazing parents and carers for attending our Year 1 phonics family learning this half term. We have worked on different reading strategies to make phonics and reading exciting. Our Year 1 friends showed off their amazing reading skills and worked on building their fluency.
We finished off with a phonics Easter egg hunt.
Today we had an alien invasion at our phonics family learning…
Our Year 1 friends used their fantastic phonics skills to decode and read the alien words. We then went on an outdoor alien hunt to find the hidden alien words.
Thank you so much to our amazing parents and carers for your excellent engagement as always!
As part of our History topic “Toy story” Year 1 went on a trip to Sunderland Museum and attended a toy workshop.
We had so much fun and learnt all about the history of toys and discovered old and new toys!
We also brought our own toys from home and discuss their features.
In Year 1 we have been learning about stories with familiar settings.
We read the story of Stickman. We decided to take a trip to our familiar setting of forest school and discuss how that setting is similar to the one in Stickman.
We also found something very special in forest school… our very own Stickman!
Year 1 took part in some mindfulness yoga today. We had so much fun and learnt some fantastic calming techniques.
This week, the KAPLA project has given us the opportunity to develop our STEM skills.
Logical thinking – develops spatial awareness and enhances awareness of shape, volume and sense of balance whilst developing manual dexterity.
Stimulating creativity – enhances creative thinking and children to express their artisitic talents.
Concentration, patience and perseverance.
Teamwork – communication and cooperation.
We also demonstarted all of our school values- showing RESPECT to others, taking RESPONSIBILITY, demonstrating ENGAGEMENT and showing amazing RESILIENCE when the project became tricky.
We would like to thank Kapla for an amazing two day project and a massive thank you to all of our volunteer helpers who were invaluable!
Today the children showed great citizenship, they wanted to help members of our community this winter so they teamed togther with local charity, Hebburn Helps.
The children collected donations of warm blankets and hot water bottles in school, the student council then delivered them to Hebburn Helps who will distribute them to families in need.