How to read with your child at home
See below, videos which provide useful tips and modelling of how to read with your child at home. The videos show an actor reading as if they were reading a book with a child. There are some useful tips and question prompts that can help develop your child’s reading.
One Fox by Kate Read (Age 5+)
House that Once Was (Age 7+)
The Same Inside (Age 9+)
Reading at Home Links
Some useful websites for home learning:
This website also provides information on how to help if your child is a struggling reader and how to develop their comprehension skills from home too.
Click the image below to visit the website.
Children have access to IXL, where they can appropriate texts to their reading level and the opportunity to practise with their own login at any time. If you are unsure of your child’s log in, please contact their class teacher.

Use the following link to access our school login:
Some children in school have access to Lexia, a reading intervention programme to help them progress and develop their reading skills. Each child on Lexia has their own login, please contact your child’s class teacher if you are unsure or require help logging on.
Click the image below to visit the website.