Year 5 enjoyed a poetry cafe this morning after completing their poetry unit which they have engaged beautifully with. The children chose a poem to read to the class that they had written during the unit. Many chose to read the free verse poems that they had written with the theme of Remembrance Day. They showed beautiful speaking and listening skills and were a respectful audience whilst performing their poems and listening to their peers. Well done Year 5!
Today KS2 were extremely lucky to be entertained by the incredible Zak Music Official!
As well as sharing his brilliant music, Zak also talked to the children about mental health, online safety and bullying. Zak is a 14 year old pop sensation and he has certainly gained a number of new fans today!
Thank you Zak for sharing such important messages and inspiring us to persue our talents.
Year 5 had a fantastic time at Beamish Museum today, as part of our History topic. The children loved learning all about WW2.
We experienced what life was like for an evacuee as part of our workshop and enjoyed discussing what jobs evacuees may have been given on the farm!
A thoroughly enjoyable day for everyone!
At Valley View we are always promoting positive friendships and know that everyone in our school community is important and special. In order to celebrate all of the wonderful work we do everyday we were invited to attend the annual Friends Against Bullying (Fab) Awards. This event was organised by the Young People’s Parliament and celebrated the work of a small selection of schools in South Tyneside. Our school was awarded a main award in recognition of our ongoing work to encourage positive relationships. It filled us with pride to watch some of our fabulous Year 5 children stand up on stage and present to an unknown audience. They did an AMAZING job showcasing our wonderful work. As part of our presentation we shared all the inspiring work that was completed in anti-bullying week, this included installing a buddy bench.
Another fantastic Reading Cafe this morning with lots of activities linked to reading you can do with your child at home. Thank you so much to everyone who came! We hope you found it useful and enjoy doing some of these activities at home!
This week, the KAPLA project has given us the opportunity to develop our STEM skills.
Logical thinking – develops spatial awareness and enhances awareness of shape, volume and sense of balance whilst developing manual dexterity.
Stimulating creativity – enhances creative thinking and children to express their artisitic talents.
Concentration, patience and perseverance.
Teamwork – communication and cooperation.
We also demonstarted all of our school values- showing RESPECT to others, taking RESPONSIBILITY, demonstrating ENGAGEMENT and showing amazing RESILIENCE when the project became tricky.
We would like to thank Kapla for an amazing two day project and a massive thank you to all of our volunteer helpers who were invaluable!
Today the children showed great citizenship, they wanted to help members of our community this winter so they teamed togther with local charity, Hebburn Helps.
The children collected donations of warm blankets and hot water bottles in school, the student council then delivered them to Hebburn Helps who will distribute them to families in need.
Classes from Valley View, attended the Remembrance Day Ceremony at Monkton Cenotaph.
Members of the student council presented a wreath, on behalf of the school and displayed some art work, that the chilkdren had produced to show their respect.
On the 6th June 2022 we hosted a community event in school to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Families from Valley View Primary School came together to for an afternoon of entertainment; we played games, socialisied and enjoyed some delicious home made scones and refreshments.
We would like to thank all of our families for joining us for this celebration and to South Tyneside Platinum Jubilee Community Fund.
A great time was had by all, we cant wait to welcome our community to our next celebration!