Safeguarding Information

If you are suspicious or have any concerns that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm contact Children and Families Social Care using this link

For more information about Prevent and radicalisation see the information below

You can also access information designed for primary school children using the link below.

                      Useful Contacts

Key Personnel Name (s) Telephone No.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)


Jane McGurk 0191 4893143
Deputy DSL(s)



Gemma Jeynes

Angela Newbrook

0191 4893143
School’s named “Prevent” lead


Jane McGurk


0191 4893143
Nominated Safeguarding Governor


Barry Larvin


Via 0191 4893143


Chair of Governors


John Watson



Via 0191 4893143
NSPCC WWW.NSPCC.ORG.UK Tel 0800 028 0285 8am – 8pm

Email [email protected]