To provide children with a curriculum that provides a coherent understanding of the world around them, knowing where they are from and taking inspiration from historical figures and events from the past and present. To recognise major movements and moments (chronologically) in the past which have shaped their lives. To spark curiosity, to question and to form their own opinions, which are supported by facts and experiences.
The national curriculum for history aims to ensure that all pupils:
- understand where they are from and the history of their local area and Great Britain.
- have a chronological understanding of main events, movements and individuals from the past and understand how these shaped the future.
- use and define historical terminology and language such as ‘civilisation’ and ‘empire’.
- develop an understanding of historical themes such as change through time.
- develop historical enquiry skills through the study of artefacts and other sources. Children will have experiences of seeing the past come alive.
- will ask questions and form opinions based on facts which are supported by evidence.
- use new language referring to the past.
- compare time periods and explain why they differ- within and outside of living memory.
- begin to question and understand how we learn about the past.
- use artefacts to learn about the past.
- know about the past of our local area on a regional basis.
- have a sound understanding of events (chronologically) that have shaped the past.
- understand the past of our local area and its significance on a national and international level.
- use different sources and artefacts to learn about the past and to begin to question why opinions on the past may be different because of the study of artefacts.
- make comparisons of the time periods they study and to begin to question and explain why time periods differ.
We meet National Curriculum expectations for history through a coherent and progressional scheme of study. Throughout their time in school, our children learn about many time periods, civilisations and significant individuals and understand how these shaped the past. Our children have a clear understanding of where they come from and the history of our school and locality. We have links in the local area which we use to enhance learning, making it come to life.
Our curriculum is enriched by visits to local significant places such as Arbeia Roman Fort and Warkworth Castle which helps the past come alive. The children also have experiences with visitors coming into the classroom bringing the past with them. Our children have opportunities to study artefacts from the past and to study various sources which help them raise questions and form opinions on the past whilst developing enquiry skills.
History is a way that we come together as a school and a community. Giving the children a sense of belonging whilst inspiring and shaping their future.
We use formative assessment to measure the impact of our history curriculum which is recorded and monitored on a tracking system. Evidence of learning and experiences can be found in books and through conversations with our children. The humanities coordinator monitors the teaching and evidence of the subject through book and planning scrutiny alongside observations of lessons and conversations with the staff team.
We use our History passport to revisit and recap prior learning and to assess retained facts. We also use this to help place our new teaching topics in a historical, chronological context.