“To be an outstanding school where all children reach their full potential and are ready for the next phase of their journey”
“We believe Valley View Primary School is in itself a ‘family’ where children are included, respected, nurtured, encouraged, supported and challenged to reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment.”
Welcome to Valley View Primary School. We are a one form entry primary school with a 78 place nursery school in Jarrow. We believe Valley View Primary School is in itself a ‘family’ where children are included, respected, nurtured, encouraged, supported and challenged to reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment. We believe that all children can achieve and we strive to provide the highest quality education and care to enable this to happen. We target all children to make sure they reach their full potential and make good or better progress during their time with us. Basic skills interventions are a key element of our support of all children. This can be to challenge and extend them further or to secure basic skills to enable them to move forward with their learning. We deliver a creative curriculum which delivers the requirements of the national curriculum expectations through a themed approach. This ensures the curriculum is relevant to children and allows for the highest levels of enjoyment and engagement. Each theme begins with a visit or visitor and ‘real’ learning experiences are encouraged at all times. At Valley View we see ourselves as an extended family. This is underpinned by our ‘Family Group’ pastoral system where children from all year groups mix to become part of a family group. We care for each other and work as a team to overcome barriers to our success. We feel supporting the family around the child is vital to the success of our children. We actively help and support parents and families with concerns and issues as well as celebrate achievements with them. We have an open door policy and our pastoral staff are always available to parents, carers, family members and pupils. We share our site with Primrose Community Centre and Primrose Children’s Centre. This places us in a very unique position at the heart of the Primrose Community. We are proud of our school and hope you enjoy our website!
78% of our students meet the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths.
95% Attendance in 2022/2023.